
Eye-tracking glasses in face-to-face interactions: Manual versus automated assessment of areas-of-interest

Towards partially automated mobile eye-tracker face gaze annotations

Multi-view Real-time 3D Occupancy Map for Machine-patient Collision Avoidance

Using multiple top-down cameras to make a 3D person occupancy map in real-time

Show me where the action is! Automatic capturing and timeline generation for reality TV.

Automatical capturing of cinematographically pleasing footage, along with generating meta-data (time-lines) to reduce the search space for the editor.

Real-time Embedded Person Detection and Tracking for Shopping Behaviour Analysis

Person tracking for shopping behaviour analysis, optimizing both embedded GPU and CPU usage.

Anyone here? Smart embedded low-resolution omnidirectional video sensor to measure room occupancy

Using temporal data to enhance performance on low resolution occupancy sensing on omnidirectional images.

How Low Can You Go? Privacy-preserving People Detection with an Omni-directional Camera

Exploring the performance-privacy-speed trade-off while detecting people on omnidirectional images.

Human Pose Matching

Paper following a Master Thesis - Vergelijken van menselijke 2D poses en hun ruimtelijke relatie met de achtergrond scene

Automated Analysis of Eye-Tracker-Based Human-Human Interaction Studies

Can person detectors automate human-human mobile eye-tracking analysis?

The autonomous hidden camera crew

How can we make a hidden autonomous hidden cameraman, aware of the cinematographical rules?